Saturday, October 16, 2010

2 years + 4 months

 Our boo is one awesome guy!  He is just such a blast these days...he's the funniest guy we know and so loving too.  His new thing is to say "Mama do this" and then he'll do or say something silly and want me to do it too.  It's normally some sort of sound or a little hop and a skip.  And if we don't understand what he's saying he'll look at us and say it really slow and strung out as if we don't know English.  He's still singing and working on his ABC's.  He knows Q to Z perfectly!  We've really been enjoying the warm October with trips to the park and walks.  He loves his weekly play dates with Lizzy, Mary and Tessa.  I'm pretty sure he'll eat waffles for breakfast for the rest of his life:)  He can make Conall smile and laugh better than we can, which I think is pretty awesome...he's such a great big brother.  He's really liking school and goes right in and starts playing when I drop him off.  I love seeing his little face light up when it's time to get picked up:)  Still reading the same three books at night, I've been trying to introduce new ones, but he loves those three!  Ever since dad had a mustache for uncle Kienan's bachelor party he's talked about "dirty mustache" (I think he heard me call BC's mustache dirty).  He'll put a crayon or string cheese up to his mouth and say "dirty mustache", it's quite funny, but he now notices men everywhere we go and will point and say "dirty mustache"...he found 3 "dirty mustache's" at the market the other day!  Oh boo, you make us smile and laugh you! 

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