Sunday, January 16, 2011

2 years + 7 months

Oh Declan B, our boo...could you be any more of a 2 year old little boy?  He is just so full of energy, imagination and surprise these days.  Declan No Sleep, as he has been called, no longer takes a nap!  Which means he is finally in bed and asleep before 10 pm, but also means he occasionally falls asleep (see above picture).  He loves to help me cook or bake, I think he just like to smell all of the ingredients and stand on a chair in the kitchen:)  Santa brought him a Mickey Mouse that now goes everywhere with him, along with puppy of course!  Speaking of Mickey Mouse...that's all he wants to watch, everyday and would watch it all day long if we let him.  He's been doing a great job of pooping in the potty, I think we're getting close to officially starting potty training (please keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer for us...should be a fun time)!  Declan is so sweet when Conall goes to bed, he gives him a hug and kiss and tells him he loves him, now if he would only share and be nice to him during the day.  He's getting more independent everyday, which is awesome, but it takes a lot longer to get dressed or undressed around here:)  The ABC's are a favorite song of his along with Where is Thumpkin:)  He's always been a healthy eater, but it just keeps getting better.  We ask him what he wants for lunch..."turkey sandwich and cheese" and for dinner "chicken, noodles and broccoli".  Tonight he had 4 bowls of vegetables!  He loves cooked carrots:)  We can't believe he's on his way to 3, it's such a fun (and exhausting) time you boo!

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